Introducing HR to Social Media
So… Why don’t we apply this in the Human Resources area? The Web 2.0 and social media in general offer us many ways to show our own employees, prospect employees and clients who we are. They also help us enhance our brand as an attractive and innovative employer brand.
What can you do?
- Facebook page
- Twitter account
- YouTube channel
- Discussion groups on LinkedIn
- A corporate blog
There are many channels you can use to engage and attract you talent, however, beyond strategically choosing the best channel in which to participate, you must take into account certain points:
- Provide valuable content to engage people. Content that will persuade your company’s talent or future talent to visit your website, comment on your blog or like your Facebook page. Once again, it doesn’t matter which channel you have chosen to use, what matters is the content within it.
- Be active! Tweet, post, like, comment. Constantly update your website and your blog. Offer your employees a space online where they can share and engage beyond the walls of your organization. This is also an opportunity to let people get to know you beyond the traditional corporate speech.
- Invite your employees to participate in these channels. Involve them as much as you can, let them be the authors of your blog. They are the main characters of your corporate story, the living example of the reality you want to show to the world.
If you decide to go for it, don’t forget that the new challenge HR professionals are facing is to stop limiting themselves to the traditional HR techniques: a static corporate intranet, email marketing, ads, online job postings and cover letters with dull resumes. Today, with the support of social networks attracting our current and future talent is based on: providing valuable content, chatting, posting, interacting, sharing and most importantly being transparent.
The talent is online. Let’s engage and make your organization the most attractive place to work.
Esto me encanta , me podrĂas ayudar a mejorar el intento de blog que realice,, saludos, espero tu pronta respuesta...