
Hi! I’m Maria Moser and welcome to HR Pit Spot. I’m glad you’re joining the conversation.

I was born like everyone else, with a spanking and consequent tears. And as everyone else my life began through the written word, when someone wrote my name, Maria Silvia Moser, on a birth certificate (yes, I have two names… we Latin love that).

Besides the typical Disney trip that many Latin American families venture to, I had not spent much time in the States before attending Pine Crest School at Boca Raton at age six. Nobody at school spoke Spanish so I was pushed to learn English. Today I’m very grateful for that… you should be too, if not you wouldn’t be reading this blog.

I’m no HR expert neither a guru in the social media world. I’m a just a Venezuelan Human Resources Professional with four years of experience, currently studying at Boston University a Masters in Communication Studies.

But enough about me, what you probably want to know is where the name HR Pit Spot came from…

In motorsports, a pit stop is where a racing vehicle stops in the pits during a race for refueling, new tires, repairs, mechanical adjustments, a driver change, or any combination of the above. So, I hope this blog is a “pit spot” for all those HR professionals who wish to refuel their HR tool kit with innovative ideas being applied in today’s market.

The HR Pit Spot blog focuses on human resources and offers great ideas on how to understand, benefit and profit from social media and the emerging digital services at our reach.

Hope you enjoy reading this blog as much as I enjoy writing it. And remember this is a conversation, I’ll be waiting for your feedback.



  1. Me encanta!!! que éxito...es de gran ayuda para mi todos tus artículos...

  2. Te cuento que manejo una pequeña empresa junto a mi esposo y yo soy una atrevida en la computadora, ya que todo esto de las comunicaciones por internet me parecen interesantes, soy muy curiosa y he creado un blog que se que le falta mucho,pero por atrevida lo tengo, me gustaria tu opinion, gracias... http://bufalaslecheras.blogspot.com/, si estas interesado en un buen rebaño, escríbenos y lo mas pronto te contestaremos...
